
Thursday 16 February 2012

Sains dan Alam Sekitar

Sejauh manakah kesedaran kita kepada alam sekitar. Hayati video ini.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Acids and Bases - Part 1

  • Arrhenius
    acid: generates [H+] in solution
    base: generates [OH-] in solution
    normal Arrhenius equation: acid + base <---> salt + water
    example: HCl + NaOH <---> NaCl + H2
  • Bronsted-Lowery:
    acid: anything that donates a [H+] (proton donor)
    base: anything that accepts a [H+] (proton acceptor)
    normal Bronsted-Lowery equation: acid + base <---> acid + base
    example: HNO2 + H2O <---> NO2- + H3O+
    Each acid has a conjugate base and each base has a conjugate acid. These conjugate pairs only differ by a proton. In this example: HNO2 is the acid, H2O is the base, NO2- is the conj. base, and H3O+ is the conj. acid.
  • Lewis:
    acid: accepts an electron pair
    base: donates an electron pair
    The advantage of this theory is that many more reactions can be considered acid-base reactions because they do not have to occur in solution.

nota chemistry -asid based titration

get your acid based titration
power point  slide here


Dear to my Form 1 students,

Lawatan ke Galeri Sains Sabah

Pelajar-pelajar tingkatan 1 yang berminat mengikuti lawatan sambil belajar ke Galeri Sains Sabah, sila daftarkan diri anda berserta membawa duit RM10              

Tuesday 14 February 2012


Perhatian kepada semua pelajar tingkatan 3, kelas tambahan yang dijadualkan pada hari Sabtu ini (18/2/2012) akan ditunda ke tarikh yang akan diberitahu kelak. 

Sekian, terima kasih.

nota chemistry bab 2

Dear my beloved form 4 student, your lovely chapter 2 notes here

nota chemistry bab 1

To my form 4 class, please click here to get your first notes